Tag Archives: pre-school

Announcing a New Blogsite – Music Matters

[tweetmeme source= “catherineosborn” only_single=false]I’ve been working with Lyn Thomson on her new blogsite/website and we’re both really pleased with the result!  I can’t claim responsibility for the excellent copy this time as the words are all hers, but I did put together the blogsite and the entry page.  The entry page will help her to maintain her current search engine rankings while the blog works its way up.

Please take a look and let me know what you think.  And if you live in Berkshire/Buckinghamshire and have children under 11, you should definitely check it out.  Lyn has been teaching my two since birth and I am delighted with the progress they are making!

Early Years Playgroup Opens in Sale

[tweetmeme source= “catherineosborn” only_single=false]Piglets is a brand new playgroup for children aged 2-5 and its doors will be open on Saturday 21st August from 10.30a.m. to 2.30p.m. for families to see what the group has to offer.
Run by experienced nursery nurse and mum-of-four, Sarah Austin, the group will be operated within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and is approved by Ofsted.

Sarah says, “I’ve searched long and hard for the perfect venue for this playgroup and I know I’ve found it.  We have a safe and secure indoor environment for pre-schoolers and a fantastic outdoor play area.  Our goal is to provide children with a solid foundation for nursery and school and we can’t wait to get started!”

Piglets will run for ten sessions each week, 9:00 – 11:30 and 12:30 – 15:00 and lunchtime provision is offered.  There will also be a pick-up and drop-off service for children who are attending Lime Tree Primary School on a half-day basis.

[tweetmeme source= “catherineosborn” only_single=false]Parents who wish to find out more are invited to visit the playgroup at 9th Sale Scout Hut, Budworth Road, Sale, M33 2RP, on Saturday 21st August, from 10.30a.m. to 2.30p.m.  Sarah may also be contacted on 07519 974978, sarah@pigletsplaygroup.co.uk, or http://www.pigletsplaygroup.co.uk.

Piglets' leaflet, artwork by http://www.actualadmin.co.uk